
Pierwsza wizyta touroperatorów z Indii



We wrześniu odbyła się w Polsce pierwsza podróż studyjna dla touroperatorów z rynku Indyjskiego. POT zorganizował tygodniowy pobyt touroperatorów, w czasie którego mieli okazję zobaczyć m.in.: Kazimeirz Dolny, Krynicę Zdrój, Kraków oraz Zakopane. W ostatnim dniu pobytu  w Polsce  touropartorzy spotkali  się z polską branżą turystyczną.

W pierwszym warsztacie roboczym, który odbył się w Warszawie w hotelu Mercure udział wzięło 15 touroperatorów ze strony Polskiej i 10 ze strony Indyjskiej.


Goście z Indii bardzo dobrze ocenili podróż studyjną zarówno pod kątem biznesowym jak i pod względem wrażeń z Polski czego dowodem są poniższe stwierdzenia.


“Poland is really a wonderful country with great landscapes. It has everything to showcase from your rich history to modern day marvels. It has been a great experience to see places like Zakopane, Krakow, Warsaw and Krynica Zdroj. And above all, what I liked most is the Polish hospitality. People have been really nice throughout the trip and we never felt like being in any other country. We always said that Indian hospitality is the best, but now I can say that Polish people are no less and maybe even better than us.”

Rajeeve Goyal, Manager Tours,, KTC Grand Tours



“We had a good insight of the hotels and tourist sites of  Poland.Your people were warm,english speaking and friendly. The non-veg meals were excellent.(…) The workshop with the various Polish travelagents was excellently organised. All of them were very interactive,open to our ideas and warm.Warsaw, Cracow and Zakopane were really impressive and I shall along with my team make a determined effort to promote the same to our esteem Clients as a new destination”

Prakash K Makhija, Director, Travel Voyages P Ltd.



“The country is beautiful  and from first hand experience of visiting places I feel Krakow and Zakopane will definitely appeal to the Indian traveller. Krynica Droj is a good destination for the high end luxury traveller who wants to chill out and experience a Spa.”

Subash Motwani, Director, Compact Travels



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