

What is the objective of the programme?
The programme of the Ambassadors of Polish Congresses is aimed at encouraging the effective procurement of international meetings and business events, with special consideration given to congresses and conventions.
Who can become an Ambassador?
The programme is designed for representatives of science, culture, sports, business, and other professional milieux – in particular for people who perform different functions in the boards of associations and international organisations, as well as permanent participants in international scientific, cultural, and economic exchange. The title of Ambassador of Polish Congresses is awarded by the Chapter to those who, over the last 3 years, have directly, personally, and effectively contributed to inviting at least one international congress or a conference of significant importance to Poland.

Who has the right to nominate candidates?
The right to put forward somebody’s candidature for the Title of Polish Congresses Ambassador is held by members of the Polish Congress Ambassadors Chamber, Polish Academy of Sciences organisational units, universities and higher education facilities, scientific associations and organisations, cultural institutions, economic and Government organisations, the Polish Tourist Organisation, the Polish Congresses and Conferences Association, local convention bureaux, and also former holders of the Polish Congresses Ambassador’s title.

In what way can a candidate for the title of Polish Congress Ambassador be entered?
It is enough to fill in the form and send it to the following address by 15 September:
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What are the tasks of the Chapter?
The Chapter of the Polish Congress Ambassadors’ Programme supervises the running and the implementation of the Polish Congress Ambassadors’ Programme and performs the role of the jury when choosing the winners of the Polish Congress Ambassador titles.

How many titles of the Ambassador can be granted a year by the Chapter?
During one calendar year the title of the Ambassador can be granted to a maximum of 20 people.

What are the advantages of taking part in the Programme?

Participation in the Programme entitles you to:

a)    Receive promotional materials and information concerning exhibition and congress centres; professional conference organisers; events and attractions  accompanying business travel and tourism; discounts and facilities offered by city executives; the schedule of cultural, tourist and sports events from the PTO Poland Convention Bureau, the Conferences and Congresses in Poland Association, and many other entities that declare their involvement.

b)    Receive assistance from the Polish Information Centres of PTO that are situated abroad, while organising information stands about Poland during a congress or a conference; giving a multimedia presentation on the tourist and conference value of Poland, and receive advertising materials promoting Poland (brochures, maps, catalogues, DVD films, and multimedia presentations).

c)    Request help from the Professional Congress Organisers and Incentive Tourism Organisers which are recommended by the PTO Poland Convention Bureau, and to ask the Conferences and Congresses in Poland Association for assistance while:

•    preparing a draft of the congress budget;
•    selecting a congress venue and conference halls;
•    designing and building exhibition stands and poster sessions;
•    providing conference and interpreters’ equipment;
•    booking hotel rooms;
•    organising  catering, banqueting, and transport;
•    preparing a programme for accompanying persons and pre- and post congress events;
•    organising the congress front desk;
d) Obtain from the Poland Convention Bureau:
•    a letter supporting the initiative for organising a congress;
•    a set of promotional materials concerning conference infrastructure and services in Poland
•    promotional materials for foreign participants in congresses and conferences taking place in Poland;
•    assistance while preparing and carrying out site inspections of the places considered as possible venues for organising a congress;
•    support while preparing the offers of carrying out a conference (“Bid Book”) for the initiators and clients for the events organised in particular fields;

What is the Ambassador’s mission?
Participants in the Polish Congresses Ambassador’s Programme are obliged to:
•    Actively promote abroad, including at the international organisations forum, Poland as a place to organise congresses and conferences;  
•    Raise objections, and put forward proposals and suggestions, for improving the conditions for congresses and conferences organisation in Poland;  
•    Put forward to the PTO Poland Convention Bureau information about conducted and planned international congresses and conferences, and any other professional events that can take place in Poland;  
•    Initiate new international congresses or conferences that could be held in Poland;
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