
Velo-city 2025: Gdańsk to host the world cycling summit

Gdansk Velo city 2025 congress poland ECF

The city won the bid by submitting an impressive proposal and has committed to promoting social change through cycling. Jill Warren, CEO of ECF said:

“ECF is delighted to award Velo-city 2025 to Gdansk, an outstanding applicant and cycling city on the rise. After decades of working with Gdansk in our Cities & Regions for Cyclists Network and as a key city on the EuroVelo cycle route network, we are confident that Velo-city 2025 will be spectacular.”

In June of 2025, Velo-city will hold its event in Gdańsk at the AMBEREXPO Exhibition and Congress Center. The event will be jointly organised by

  • European Cyclists’ Federation
  • the City of Gdansk
  • Pomorskie Voivodeship
  • Gdańsk International Fair (Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie S.A.)
  • Polish Union of Active Mobility – PUMA
  • Gdansk Tourism Organisation (Gdansk Convention Bureau)

Gdansk’s candidature was supported by more than 20 institutions, including the President of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the biggest Polish cities, national trade unions, local government associations, Pomeranian universities, local and metropolitan authorities as well as the professional organisations representing the cycling industry and tourism sector.

Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Mayor of Gdańsk said:

“We are honoured to be the first Polish city to host Velo-city! The event will be a great crowning achievement of our cycling aspirations. It will undoubtedly strengthen the image of our city and region as tourist and investor friendly. The inhabitants will benefit from the organisation of Velo-city Gdańsk 2025, and all participants can expect an amazing event.

why gdansk host Velo city summit 2025 cyclist bike

Cycling in Gdansk

Gdańsk is emerging as a remarkable cycling city with its extensive cycling infrastructure that currently spans over 850 km. This includes parts of three EuroVelo routes that pass through the city:

  • EuroVelo 9 – Baltic-Adriatic Route
  • EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route
  • EuroVelo 13 – Iron Curtain Trail

EuroVelo 25 years cycle routes in Europe.jpg

Gdansk has been actively promoting cycling for transportation, leisure, and tourism and has ambitious strategic plans to further increase cycling and harness its potential. Over the last two decades, the city has been implementing cycling programs, and, in 2019, it adopted a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).

Why Gdansk has been chosen to host Velo-city 2025

As the birthplace of Solidarnosc (Solidarity), the independent trade union that played a crucial role in ending socialist rule in Poland, Gdańsk draws on its heritage with its theme of solidarity for Velo-city Gdansk. The city hopes to inspire the cycling community to unite and promote cycling as a means to conserve energy and enhance personal and societal vitality.

In preparation for Velo-city Summit 2025 in Gdańsk, the city has bold aspirations to further advance cycling. The plans include building a cycling superhighway network spanning 36.8 km, upgrading 30 km of cycling routes, prioritizing cycle traffic in 16 vital parts of the road network, renovating eight cycle crossings over significant road traffic routes, implementing several 30 km/h zones, and upgrading recreational and commuter cycling routes.

Additionally, the city will launch a new public bike-sharing system, MEVO 2.0, in 2023, with 75% of the entire bicycle fleet being electrically assisted. Participants of Velo-city Gdańsk will receive a free MEVO pass, along with access to the city's public transport network.

Velo-city 2025 Gdańsk host cycling summit

What is the European Cyclists’ Federation?

The European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) is a non-profit association that aims to promote cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation in Europe. The association was established in 1983 and has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. ECF advocates for cycling-related policies at the European Union level, supports the development of cycling infrastructure and encourages cycling culture and education. It also organizes events such as the Velo-city conference, which is a major platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences on cycling-related issues. ECF is made up of over 70 member organizations across Europe, including national and regional cycling associations, advocacy groups, research institutions and private companies. Find out more on the website: ECF - European Cyclists' Federation.

What is Velo-city summit?

Velo-city is a global conference series on cycling and urban mobility, organized by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF). The conference aims to bring together cycling experts, urban planners, advocates, researchers, industry representatives, and policy-makers to share knowledge, exchange best practices and explore the potential of cycling in creating more livable, sustainable, and healthy cities.

Velo-city summits are held biannually, with past host cities including Berlin, Copenhagen, Vienna, Dublin, Seville, Nantes, Adelaide, Arnhem/Nijmegen, Taipei, and Rio de Janeiro, among others. The conference program includes keynote speeches, workshops, technical tours, and social events, and covers topics such as cycling infrastructure, policy, culture, safety, behavior change, and the role of cycling in achieving urban sustainability and resilience.

How to bid for Velo-city summit?

When a city hosts a Velo-city conference, it can integrate this event into its broader strategy to promote a bicycle-friendly, greener, and more liveable environment.

city summit 2025 bid procedure timeline

What are benefits for city to host Velo-city event? The benefits of hosting such a conference are numerous, as all previous host cities have experienced. These include:

  1. increased international profile and prestige
  2. the opportunity to develop strong relationships with cycling user groups
  3. extensive publicity for the city and its policies
  4. valuable feedback on transport and environmental plans
  5. exposure to other successful active mobility policies
  6. participation from elected representatives in transport debates
  7. and engaging with the public on mobility strategies.

By hosting a Velo-city conference, a city can reap the rewards of promoting and advancing cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation.

What can we expect in Gdansk in 2025?

According to the ECF Velo-city summit, key figures are:

  • 1400 + participants
  • 250 + speakers
  • 60 + countries
  • 70 + exhibitors
  • 4M + social reach

Source: ECF + PTO photos

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#vc25 Gdansk Velo-city 2025 cyclists bikes poland

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