
The latest report "The Meetings Industry in Kraków 2022" is now available!

meetings industry krakow report 2022

The industry of organizing business and scientific events in Kraków in 2022 looked at the recovery after the pandemic with increasing optimism. Certainly, the increases in the number of various types of events would already be similar to those before the pandemic, if not for the war caused by Russia in Ukraine. This was especially true of international events whose participants had fears for their safety, prompting the organizers to cancel or move the event to another location. In this edition of the report, the authors familiarize readers with the process of rebuilding the potential of the meetings industry in Kraków in 2022.

There were 2,629 meetings held in Kraków in 2022, an increase over the previous year by as much as 1/4.

It is worth mentioning that the city saw an increase in international events by as much as 107.8%. According to the report, companies are betting on business and scientific meetings, which last year lasted an average of two days, and this is another recorded increase. 
It should be noted that more than 92% of the total number of meetings were stationary meetings. Krakow remains a city of congresses, as evidenced by the more than 51% share of conference/congress type events in the total number of meetings.
Krakow maintains its high position in the international market, as evidenced by the awards granted to the city:

  • Third place in the ranking of Business-Friendly Cities in the category of cities with a population of more than 300,000 by "Forbes" magazine,
  • Honorary European Medal for implementing European ideas and strengthening the region's economy awarded by the Business Centre Club and the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels,
  • Krakow's rating of A-, with a stable outlook, under Global Ratings given by Standard & Poor's) and tourism (24th place in TripAdvisor's Travellers' Choice 2022 ranking,
  • 9th place on the list of the World's Best Cities to Visit according to the readers of Travel+Leisure, gold certificate of quality in the Convention Centers category for the ICE Krakow Congress Center in the international Meetings Star Award competition,
  • Krakow's Christmas Market was named among the most interesting European Christmas fairs to visit in 2022 by the British newspaper "The Times.
  • In 2022, a great success of the city was the organization of the 61st Congress of the International Congress and Convention Association ICCA, which was highly appreciated by the participants, providing a guarantee of a safe destination and readiness to organize future events.

The report in Polish and English versions is available here - Krakow Convention Bureau website.

Report The Meetings Industry in Krakow 2022

Source: Krakow Convention Bureau

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