
More spectators allowed at open-air events

Starting with 17 July regulations concerning art and entertainment events staged in the open will change, making them available for more than 150 participants as long as social distancing rules are obeyed.

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The following regulations will be valid for organisers of open-air events:

  • number of attendants may not be greater than 1 person per 5 m2,
  • a 2-metre distance will have to be kept between participants (does not apply to spectators accompanying a child under the age of 13, a person with disabilities or a person who cannot move on his own for health reasons, people living and running a household together),
  • horizontal signage should mark spectator spots taking into consideration the need to keep social distance,
  • event spectators need to cover their mouth and nose unless they maintain at least a 2-metre distance from each other,
  • the audience zone needs to be distinctly separated and marked, making it impossible for audience members to blend in with third parties, such as passers-by.

Set out by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 June 2020, the social distancing standards for cultural and entertainment events remain applicable. Starting with 20 June, the following limitations are in force for activity related to all collective forms of culture and entertainment:

cinemas, theatres, concert halls, music clubs, sports and entertainment arenas, amphitheatres and shells:

  • up to 50% of the total number of seats in a room may be made available - every other row, an empty space between participants (“chessboard” configuration),
  • event participants need to cover their mouth and nose,

open-air sports venues, including stadiums (open-air and semi-open-air, with and without a seating area):

  • up to 25% of the total number of seats may be made available - audience members can occupy every fourth place and every other row,
  • if there are no designated places, the social distance of 2 metres between spectators has to be kept,
  • event participants need to cover their mouth and nose.

In practice this means that events staged in PGE Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw can host up to 14,500 spectators, in Śląski Stadium in Chorzów - 13,500, in Ergo Arena and Atlas Arena - about 5,000 each, and in the Kadzielnia amphitheatre in Kielce - more than 2,500.

Source and photo: (PL)

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