
Exprofesso to organise ISAGA Summer School 2016 in Kraków

exprofessoFor the first time in its 11-year history, ISAGA Summer School will be held in Poland. The Cracow University of Economics will host its 2016 edition on 11-17 July.



ISAGA (The International Simulation And Gaming Association) is the world’s oldest and most renowned organization bringing together professionals and academic lecturers engaged in the application of simulation games in their everyday practice. Dating back to early 1970s, ISAGA’s main mission involves contributing to the growth of knowledge about this domain, developing “serious gaming” skills and making them increasingly often applied by the scientific and business circles. The Association strives to realize its objects, e.g. by organizing the annual ISAGA Summer School.



The Summer School project has been launched in 2004, with its participants each year moving between different cities and continents. We are happy to announce that this year Cracow is joining a group of host cities that already includes Bangkok, New Delhi, Atlanta and Singapore! In the course of the highly interactive week, attending specialists (teachers, coaches, scientists and designers) from all over the world will get an opportunity to take part in some truly fascinating activities. The programme consists of highly informative lectures, workshops and practical game development coached by experienced game designers.


Each day will be dedicated to a different issue – from identifying the needs of clients to the evaluation of games, simulation and related tools. This structure will make the whole process easier to follow and facilitate the growth of the event participants’ skills.



Finally, ISAGA Summer School is a great get-together opportunity for teachers, coaches, academic lecturers and fans and users of strategic and business games. An exchange of experiences together with propagating and sharing knowledge in the field of simulation gaming are among the main concepts followed by the Summer School. The spectacular non-profit event will also have some celebrated industry big names attending, adding splendor to the proceedings.



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