
Eventprofs Creators Lab workshop for 30 students from the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw

On 10th June 2024, a remarkable event was organised in collaboration with students from the Vistula School of Hospitality. Over 30 members of the Student Science Club “2B” concluded their academic year at the headquarters of the Polish Tourism Organisation (PTO). This gathering provided an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the 2023/2024 academic year and to acquire new skills as part of the educational project, Eventprofs Creators Lab.

Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw

During the meeting in the conference room of the Polish Tourism Organisation, students watched the premiere of a film summarising the academic year. Following the screening, Dr. hab. Krzysztof Celuch, MBA – Professor and Rector of the Vistula School of Hospitality, presented certificates and awards for their achievements.

Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw

Nikola Naus, Chairwoman of the Student Science Club “2B” at the Vistula School of Hospitality, a member of the Young Leaders SITE Poland programme, and co-organiser of the event, remarked, "Today's meeting at the PTO headquarters not only summed up our academic activities and achievements but also strengthened the bonds within our group. Our group sets ambitious goals, and we strive to continuously create an inspiring environment for our colleagues."

Nilola Naus

A significant component of the meeting was the Eventprofs Creators' Laboratory session on internet marketing in the MICE industry, led by Jarosław Marciuk. During the interactive educational session, participants learned how to develop their career paths in the meetings industry. Practical examples illustrated the work of the national convention bureau and the activities of the Polish Tourism Organisation - Poland Convention Bureau in the MICE sector.

The session also detailed topics related to B2B influencer marketing. Students had the chance to expand their knowledge of artificial intelligence and learn about tools for digital marketing, content creation, website analysis, and internet monitoring.

Jaroslaw Marciuk Eventprofs Creators Lab workshop for 30 students

For the third time, we co-organised an educational session for young people starting their careers as part of the Eventprofs Creators Lab project (Laboratorium Twórców in Polish). This time, we hosted a large and active group of students from the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw. Such initiatives are incredibly important as they allow students to gain practical skills and establish industry contacts, significantly increasing their chances of professional success. The Poland Convention Bureau is keen to engage in initiatives that allow sharing knowledge and experience with tourism students at higher education institutions," said Jarosław Marciuk, the session leader and chief marketing specialist at the Polish Tourism Organisation - Poland Convention Bureau.


We are awaiting LinkedIn posts about Monday's event until next Monday (edit). The most interesting post will be rewarded with a consultation on optimising and developing a personal LinkedIn profile.

Eventprofs Creators Lab workshop for 30 students

The event concluded with a commemorative group photo. More photos on Facebook Gallery.

For more information about the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw and Student Science Club “2B” and additional details on the Eventprofs Creators Lab project.

Photo by Przemysław Marczewski; #2bclub #eventprofsLAB #Polandcvb #EventprofsPL


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