
Gdańsk & Region - 2011 Meetings Industry Report

Total number of attendees was 382 967. The most popular location was Gdańsk, it held 2525 meetings (50% of all meetings), second place belonged to region (1229 meetings - 24%), Sopot was third (1027 meetings - 20%), fourth came Gdynia (305 meetings - 6%).

Business meeting industry is important for the whole Pomeranian region as it is another source of income during months which are less popular among individual tourists. Totally, in May, June, September, October and November 53% of all meetings were organised. 54% of all meetings were conferences or congresses. The most popular topic of all meetings was economics (34%), on the second place came humanities (22%).

"Statistics created by Gdańsk Convention Bureau and ICCA research allow us to precisely estimate income generated by the meeting industry - says Anna Górska, GCB CEO, co-author of the report. - since this type of tourism is relatively young in Poland, showing exact data can help popularising it, and thus helping in its development."

"In 2009 Gdańsk & region hosted 1434 business meetings, one year later the number was 3220 and in 2011 it has raised to over five thousand - says Beata Pawłowska, Convention Bureau specialist, co-author of the report. - we are counting that the growth will last and Gdańsk & region will become a conference centre of Middle Europe."

See the report

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