
22-23.11.2022 - Open Eyes Economy Summit

OEES international economic summit held in Krakow since 2016, gathering participants from the world of science, economics, culture and politics. The congress is dedicated to economics based on social values. The originators of the event are Jerzy Hausner and Mateusz Zmyślony.

OEES departs from the formula of a traditional congress towards open and interactive forms. Conventional discussion panels have been abandoned in favor of inspirational sessions, living case studies (i.e. inspiring case studies from around the world) and intellectual battles inspired by rappers' duels (slam battles), where people with different points of view clash[6]. The substantive concept of the congress is overseen by a program board consisting of representatives from academia, local government and business. Associated with the congress is "Open Eyes Magazine" showcasing ventures and organizations based on values close to OEES. It addresses issues such as Fairtrade, clean energy, the gig economy or upcycling, the idea of localism in business or sustainable development.



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